What is electronic spreadsheet? What is a spreadsheet for?

Electronic spreadsheets are tables composed by columns (vertical) and rows (horizontal), that has the function to perform calculations and data organization. 

Electronic spreadsheets are computational table composed by vertical columns and horizontal rows the organize and calculate data. Excel is the most known software of electronic spreadsheets.  

There are some usual doubts in Excel to begin with.

What is spreadsheet?

Spreadsheet is a table organized in rows and columns that arrange information and it is able to perform automatic calculation. Spreadsheets permit to analyze data, by other tools, like charts for example.

What are electronic spreadsheets?

Spreadsheets are tables with information organized in rows and columns, and Excel is the main software to make an electronic spreadsheet. 

Spreadsheet is a table shaped by rows and columns, that are used to organize information. Every Excel file is formed by, at least, one spreadsheet that can be interconnected by mathematical formulas and functions.

Therefore, electronic spreadsheet is a table made by computer.

What is Excel’s spreadsheet?

Microsoft Excel is one of the Office software, as well as Word, Power Point and Outlook. In Excel, electronic spreadsheets are made to organize data and automate calculations. Excel’s electronic spreadsheets are tables that rapidly calculate its formulas. Then, the users can instantaneously organize the data and retrieve information from the spreadsheet. For example, the average of marks in a class or the total value of a purchasing with miscellaneous items.

Besides, it is possible to plot charts and pivot tables using structured information. After all, as image is worth a thousand words. In case of Excel, one graphic represents dozens of cells filled with data. 

Then, Excel can easily replace a small database, as well as Excel allows to organize information and automate calculations.

What is the main function of an electronic spreadsheet?

The goals to use electronic spreadsheets are:

  • a – Organize data in a structured manner in format of table;
  • b – Perform automatic calculations inside the table;
  • c – Plot charts to better visualize the data from the table.

Therefore, electronic spreadsheets has several functions in order to organize data. Thus, the electronic tables have diverse applications. Electronic tables can be used in any type of business either to organize information or to control activities.

Microsoft Excel is the main software for electronic spreadsheets. Excel allows to integrate tables with other external equipment such as barcode scanner.

What is a cell in an Excel spreadsheet?

The tables in electronic spreadsheets are formed by rows (horizontally) and columns (vertically). Each cross of a row with a column forms a cell. In case of the Excel, the columns are identified by uppercase letters (A, B, C, …) and the rows by numbers (1, 2, 3, 4,…). Then, the cells are identified by column’s letter with row’s number.

For example,

  • “A1” – first column (A) with the first row(1),
  • “B3” – second column (B) with the third row(3),
  • “G4” – 6th column (G) with the 4th row(4).

Each cell can have a different information such as a number, a string or a formula. Numbers and texts (strings) are static information, while the formulas are dynamics. Then, the formulas perform calculations and show the result in the cell where it is in.

How electronic spreadsheet works?

An Excel spreadsheet organizes the data as a table, where each cell has a specific information. Inside the cells in electronic spreadsheets, there is a different data such as a number, a string (text) or a formula.

The formulas are dynamics and perform calculation in each cell. The result from the formula is presented in the cell where it is located. Then, in case of a cell with formula, its content is a formula, but the user sees the result of calculation. In other words, the creator of spreadsheet inserts the formula, and the users can see its result.

The formulas inside each cell perform the automatic calculation.

From those cells, we can plot charts in different formats, as well as pivot tables.

How to build electronic spreadsheets?

We need to plan how to organize information before build a spreadsheet.

For example, in a market purchasing spreadsheet, it is needed 4 columns with “description”, “amount”, “unit value” and “total value”. In the first row, there are the titles and at each row have the information of each item.

 In each column the information is:

  •                 – description: text,
  •                 – amount: number,
  •                 – unit value: value of each item unit,
  •                 – total value: the product of the “unit value” and the “amount”.

We place the data in the three first columns. The 4th column is filled with the multiplication formula that automatically calculated it.

What is the name of the first electronic spreadsheet of calculation?

VisiCalc was the first electronic spreadsheet software to the public in general. It was responsible for PC popularization. Later, the Lotus 1-2-3, QuatroPro and Excel were released.

It is better explained in spreadsheet history post.

What is the main function of an electronic spreadsheet?

The automatic calculations is the main function in Microsoft Excel. Therefore, it performs simple calculations instantly, and it enables to organize the data.

That is reason the electronic spreadsheets can replace simple databases for ordinary tasks or small business.   Anyway, electronic spreadsheets are not databases.

Another Excel’s important function is plot charts using with the organized information. For example, grades in a class, list of purchasing items or stock management.

I hope you like this post. Now that you know about Excel spreadsheets, share this post with your friends. It is important to every one learn how to use Excel easily.

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